Friday, January 11, 2013

I'm back......again!

Well, well, well.....

How many times have I "come out of retirement"? hahahaha  but I'm here.  And I have some new pieces to share.


HapPy New YeaR!!

So during my time away.....I've learned how to crochet.  Well, I've always had really really basic knowledge of crotchet.  But no, I couldn't tell you what a double crotchet was let alone a slip knot. I knew how to hold the hook, I knew about wrapping the yarn and I could go a mean chain stitch!  hahahaha but that's it!

Now that I'm thinking about it,  I'm trying to remember what happened in my life that I felt adopting another hobby was necessary...... hmmm.... *thinking* know, I really can't remember.  *shrug*

Since my last post back in July, I took some time off......loosely interpreted.....I got lazy.

I started missing my activity of beading.....or the gratification in a finished piece that I purposed myself to accomplish last year, every evening.  
But I didn't get back to the beads. I just couldn't  "see" a design.  I've also had to dismantle my work area and believe it or not....that took my creativity.  Low and behold, my remedy was crochet. Go Figure....

Beanies and scarves!

Oh, I can now make a beanie in my sleep!  But as the yarn supply started to grow so did the dust on my beads!  I missed making jewelry so.... I did what I thought was most logical and fused the two!  I've seen crochet jewelry before but I knew I couldn't ever be that advanced enough with the crochet to ever learn how....but  it's actually a lot easier than I thought.  So , yes...even after I said "NO MORE YARN OR THREAD"... what did I do ?  Yep! I went out and  got more yarn and thread.
These were one of the very first couple of pairs  that I attempted.  I posted them on my Facebook, and the feedback gave me the confidence boost that I needed.  to get back into gear.  So after watching a few youtubes and desperately trying to read crochet patterns (which I still can't do) I can finally say I've got it.  I can make a pair of earrings in NO time flat.  NOW.....the great part....I can finally crochet Russian Beaded Ropes.....*swoon*......
I've wanted to do crochet beaded ropes since I've been beading an now I think I'm skilled enough to do it!  So I hope you'll stay tuned....  

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