How many times have I "come out of retirement"? hahahaha but I'm here. And I have some new pieces to share.
HapPy New YeaR!!
So during my time away.....I've learned how to crochet. Well, I've always had really really basic knowledge of crotchet. But no, I couldn't tell you what a double crotchet was let alone a slip knot. I knew how to hold the hook, I knew about wrapping the yarn and I could go a mean chain stitch! hahahaha but that's it!
Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm trying to remember what happened in my life that I felt adopting another hobby was necessary...... hmmm.... *thinking* know, I really can't remember. *shrug*
Since my last post back in July, I took some time off......loosely interpreted.....I got lazy.
I started missing my activity of beading.....or the gratification in a finished piece that I purposed myself to accomplish last year, every evening.
But I didn't get back to the beads. I just couldn't "see" a design. I've also had to dismantle my work area and believe it or not....that took my creativity. Low and behold, my remedy was crochet. Go Figure....
Beanies and scarves!
I've wanted to do crochet beaded ropes since I've been beading an now I think I'm skilled enough to do it! So I hope you'll stay tuned....