Monday, July 2, 2012

Whoooooaaa....where the heck have you been??

I know I know....bad girl.  I have been out of the swing of things - well, when it comes to blogging.  I've actually crafted a few things....of which I'm quite proud of!  Yes, please insert self tootin' horn right here! hahahaha

First, I've discovered that I have this butterfly addiction. Yep....I can't stop putting them in my creations.  Ahhhh....well, sue me.

I particularly like these because it's like the butterflies are sitting on your shoulder! I think I'm some kind of pixie from Narnia!

The color is just AWE and SOME!
Hmmm....I just may have to keep these for myself....

Micheal Jackson would be so proud...I know I'm giving MANY butterflies!

But I have done some bead weaving.  These peachy little numbers are done with 11o seed beads in gold and rainbow, in a peyote stitch.  This was the first stitch I learned and I still love how easy it is to do.  You can make all kinds of things because it's "hollow".   So I threaded them on to memory wire hoops, a few 8 mm and 6 mm Czech fire polished peach faceted rounds and voila!  Sparkle and flash!

But for the  Pièce de résistance !

The  whole design was "instructed" by the focal piece.  Yes, instructed.  Sometimes you have to just let these things tell you how they want to be displayed.  I had been wanting to use those turquoise drops but they felt "Flintstone-esque" to me. I knew whatever I used them for would have to be bold and unapologetic for being whatever it turned out to be.  The pendant caught my eye while I was shopping and Lord KNOWS I have   a pendant stash SO massive....I didn't need more.  But when you see CLEARANCE, you can't pass them by!   BLASPHEMY!

So this is what it came to be....very earthy, regal and strong!  I quite like it....*proud*